Friday, July 1, 2011

Maryland Episcopal Church becomes Catholic, and Vatican Sets Media Records

Hello, Coffee Talkers!

Here's an article telling a little more about an Epsicopal Church in Maryland which is soon becoming Catholic through the new Anglican Ordinariate -- cool!

Also, the Vatican has blazed many new media trails as of late, and thanks to launching a new online portal (inaugurated by Pope Benedict XVI's Tweet from his iPad), the Vatican website garnered over a quarter million hits on its first day live! Read more about this here.

Lastly, on a more personal note, please pray for the mother of my friend who sustained serious injuries to her lung, skull, shoulder, and brain in a biking accident today. Also, thanks goes out to another friend who gave me the lead on the article about the Anglican Ordinariate developments -- she is on bedrest during her pregnancy, so please pray for her, too!

Peace and all good,

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