Sunday, August 25, 2013

Miley Cyrus, Batman, and My Pope Francis Quote

Hello, Coffee Talkers!

I just received a request for my commentary on Miley Cyrus' recent MTV Video Music Award performance through my Coffee Talk with Leslie Facebook page, and since I aim to satisfy all burning desires for my Catholic commentary on current events, I turned to the internet to fill me in since I don't have cable. By choice. Nor do I ever desire to have cable. And after taking a few minutes to discover Miley Cyrus 'twerking' very provocatively in her flesh-colored granny panties with some famous Canadian guy (I know his name, I just don't care), I have to say that those are five minutes of my life that I'll never get back.

All these articles saying ridiculous things like, "Was Miley's sexy dance way too much or just enough?!" are such an interesting (but sorta sad) reflection of our culture. There are so many things I could say about this, but I guess the most important thought that I had, on a personal level, is two-fold:



2. Isn't Miley Cyrus like 20 years old? 'Cause I don't want either of my girls even watching nonsense like that when they are 20, muchless emulating this 'role model' when they're her age (or any age)!

Look, I know I'm an old prude now, and you stopped reading. It's fine. Go back to your internet commentaries on why Miley's act was edgy enough to drive the audience wild if you must!

But the truth is that our American media culture is so heavily saturated by sexualized images and activities that are promoted as the norm, and moreover as the ideal, that we hardly know what the human person, the body, and relationships are supposed to look like at all. I'm talking to myself here, before anyone else, so don't feel like I'm getting all preachy on ya. I just know that, while these kind of acts can be so 'entertaining' on a surface level, even to those of us who love to hate them, it is easy to forget some fundamental truths.

Some of those truths include:

1. Miley Cyrus is a beautiful young woman.
2. She is made in the image and likeness of God.
3. As a child of God, she deserved profound love and respect.
4. Even if, especially if, she doesn't completely respect herself.
5. This is true of me, as well.
6. And you.
7. And all y'all.

Next topic -- I just feel like I should throw this out there, while we're talking about current events. I've seen everyone posting about Batman. The new Batman. The old Batman. Who's better. Or worse. Or whatever. And I just need to let you know that I don't care. I have no feelings about any Batman at any time in human history. I hope you can all still respect me, even with that knowledge.

Lastly, I want to mention that My World Youth Day Resolutions column was run the other day in our local newspaper, only the final quote from Pope Francis seemed to have been attributed to me due to the editor's lack of quotation marks. Ha! So I just wanted to give a shout-out to my homie Papa Francisco who really said those great things at the end of my little article.

As always, thanks for stopping by, and be assured of my prayers!

Peace and all good,

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