Sunday, December 8, 2013

Advent Day 8: Immaculate Conception Remix 2013

Hello, Coffee Talkers!

Happy Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary! First, lemme explain this -- the Immaculate Conception is normally observed on December 8. However, this year it will be celebrated on December 9 because December 8 was the Second Sunday of Advent. Still, it is alright to wish folks a happy feast day even now, since Solemnities are celebrated with a vigil (a celebration that begins the evening before the feast day). And last but not least, I should mention that while this Solemnity is still a holy day, the obligation to attend Mass has been lifted this year. But you can still go to Mass, of course!

Now, there are lots of misconceptions (hahahahahahaha) about the Immaculate Conception. In fact, the Immaculate Conception was a subject of lively debate among my friends in a college dorm room while we were supposed to be doing music homework, and even though I had no theology background at the time I did my best to convince everyone that we are talking about the conception of Mary, not of Jesus. I now know more of the theology behind it, but rather than explain the whole thing in written form, allow me to call upon the help of Fr. Jack Collins to break this down for me. What follows is 4 minutes well-spent in this special Immaculate Conception edition of the Busted Halo Show, "You Don't Know Jack." Enjoy!

(Oh, and I just learned that some readers are having trouble viewing the video on mobile devices, so if you don't see the video below, try clicking here!)

As always, thanks for stopping by, and be assured of my prayers.

Peace and all good,

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