Thursday, August 4, 2011

These Are a Few of My Creepiest Things

Hello, Coffee Talkers!

On a trip today, I saw some wind turbines. Well, not just 'some.' LOTS and LOTS of wind turbines. Also, I saw some of the blades up close on the back of a big truck! My friend figured out what the blades were. Up close, they are HUGE.

I'm not sure why, but wind turbines are a little bit creepy to me.

And so are sunflowers -- not regular sunflowers, but those giant ones.

Weird, right?

Hope you all are having a wonderful week, leading to a lovely weekend! As always, thanks for stopping by, and be assured of my prayers.

Peace and all good,


  1. Those big wind turbines freak me out too. I think they look like they are from some sci-fi novel where machines take over the world and enslave humanity.


  2. Ahaha -- yes, you've described this fear well, AE. Good to be united in our irrational phobias, as well as the faith. ;)
