Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Daily Aspirations - Prayers to Help You Through the Day

Hello again, Coffee Talkers,

     I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend (if you had one), and that you're ready to get back into the Lenten swing of things like I am! Today, I am going to write a bit about a simple way to fit more prayer into the routine and rhythm of our days. I know that many of us (especially parents and caretakers of little ones or the ill and elderly) don't have a lot of time to dedicate to quiet, uninterrupted prayer, and sometimes that may seem discouraging. One practice that I've found helpful is to incorporate aspirations - short prayers that can be committed to memory and prayed quickly and quietly any time, any place - to help center your day back into the presence of God and aid you in keeping a more prayerful mindset in the midst of the busy-ness of our daily lives.

     One of my favorite examples is "Jesus, I trust in You." Another is "Come, Holy Spirit." I find that if I pray these prayers, and especially if I'm mindful enough to pray one of them in place of some other less charitable interior response (in traffic, for example, or when dealing with a difficult person or situation), it helps me to center myself and remind myself of the presence of God with me in all circumstances. It also helps to keep me calm and slow my response time before possibly saying or doing something that I may later regret. Lastly, calling on God for assistance can change my perspective on the situation, allow me to sanctify my daily work (no matter how mundane or distasteful), and truly bring God's assistance to the situation. OurCatholicPrayers.com has provided a list of some aspirations here.
      As always, thanks for stopping by, and be assured of my prayers.

Peace and all good,

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