Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Catholic Road Rules: Looking for a Few Good Men!

Hello, Coffee Talkers!

I've mentioned NET Ministries (National Evangelization Teams) in this blog before, and look, I just did it again!

In a time long ago and far away, I spent nine months traveling with NET and serving in the Church's evangelistic mission by putting on retreats at Catholic parishes and high schools. We did travel in a luxurious fifteen passenger van (stocked with 12 team members and lots of 'van food' accumulated along the way) and pulling a trailer (packed with a sleeping bag and suitcase for each of us, and an amazing bin of drama props including many a ridiculous wig and, always, a rubber chicken).

If they made a Catholic Road Rules reality TV show with NET Ministries, I'd totally tune in -- it would have been way better than the MTV version!

In any case, NET needs some good men and women to join their ranks, and NET USA is still looking for a few good men to serve with them starting in late August. Well, a bunch of good men, to be honest. So here's a shout out to all Catholic young men between 18 and 28 years old. Watch this video:

Go to these websites:

And then APPLY! And if you end up serving on NET thanks to this blogpost, let me know, and I'll sponsor you to go on the road!

Peace and all good,

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