Hello, Coffee Talkers!
Happy Solemnity of Corpus Christi, or the Body and Blood of Christ! Check out the Sunday readings, and then check out these cool Franciscans and their Eucharistic 'flashmob' in the middle of a city!
Peace and all good,
My reflections on daily happenings -- human interactions, signs I see, music I hear, articles and books I read -- blended with a splash of theology, undertones of philosophy, and a pinch of humor. Also, answers to your questions about all things Catholic - from doctrine, to practical life, to easy-to-understand commentary on the stuff about the Catholic Church that you just saw in the news. My e-mail is CoffeeTalkWithLeslie@gmail.com. Welcome to Coffee Talk!
Need as many people as possible for a series of Catholic flash mobs happening around the country this Sunday. To participate meet at your local church on Sunday, start times can be found in the bulletin under "mass times". Show up, make the flash mob epic!